The free, unhampered exchange of ideas and scientific conclusions is necessary for the sound development of science, as it is in all spheres of cultural life. (Albert Einstein, 1952)
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The International Forum on Biotechnology is devoted to the productivity of the global biotechnology sector and the fine people who take part in this profession across the globe. We invite undergraduate and post-graduate students, bench scientists, technologists and science educators to contribute content: posters, tools, research, presentations, articles, white papers, multimedia, music downloads and entertainment, conference announcements, videos, etc. We are also interested in publicizing the work of your lab and the people that work in it. Generally, we are looking for 250-500 word articles on the topic. Participating guest bloggers will gain recognition from the broader community, exposure to job opportunities, and personal exposure from page rankings on Google and other search engines. We are working toward building a broad community across global labs. You can find articles and information on your desired topics and if you want any information to be posted here so that it may be of help to others, you could request the site admin. Also if you have any interesting information or article that you think may be of interest to others, you could send it to the admin for publishing over here for all to see! Browse through this site to get more ideas on new discoveries, innovation, invention in the field of science and technology. Latest developments, stories, news and information in the field of science and technology would be given here. You could also join other industry professionals in exchanging ideas for the international biotechnology community. This Group/Forum/Website brings industry professionals (entrepreneurs, students, professors, researchers and support disciplines) together to exchange ideas and collaborate on how to bring new discoveries and developments to commercial adoption and lots more. The International Forum on Biotechnology Plans to meet periodically in the coming years for events and other activities. In order to get notified about upcoming events visit this site frequently or you can sign up for alerts using the contact us tab. If you would like to subscribe to updates, fill out the form at the contact us page. We will notify you by email of events, news, schedule changes, etc. To join our list of supporters visit the supporters page. Also, this website is "Green", meaning that we promote anything that is good for the environment and the earth. So always remember to Reduce (Redesign), Reuse and Recycle! You will also be getting ideas on how to do the above through this website. Feel free to share your views as well. If your discipline Is related to biosciences, bioengineering or biotechnology you are most welcome to join us. People from other disciplines who are very much interested in these fields are also welcome. |
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